"It's been great doing the sessions with you. Really transformational - you've really given me a renewed sense of direction and focus with fitness. Thank you." Sasha
"Chris and I have been working with Karen since January and she’s great. An hour a week, different programmes every week, mix of high intensity and strength training – it’s made a real difference. We have found muscles we never knew we had and are much fitter as a result. Skiing was bliss this year instead of being extremely hard work. We can’t recommend her highly enough." Chris and Anna
"I would highly recommend Karen as a personal trainer. My goal was to reduce body fat and increase muscle which I achieved over 5 PT sessions and by following the home workouts, HIIT training plans and recipes for healthy snacks that Karen provided me with. The PT sessions were really enjoyable as well as challenging and Karen’s encouraging and motivating approach was a real incentive to keep working hard." Tamsin
"In the few months since working with Karen I’ve been transformed from a slightly frumpy, out-of-shape, post-menopausal grandmother into a quite different person; more confident and at ease with myself, surprised at how much stamina I have and determined to hit my 60th birthday with an unexpected spring in my step. It really is as if the clock has been wound back five or even ten years.
Each PT session is something of a revelation with a new and inventive piece of kit or an exercise designed to tackle a different body area and I emerge energised and with a smile on my face.
Karen’s dietary advice is straightforward – lots of pointers on how to make improvements without buying into any of the latest fads for expensive ingredients unobtainable in local shops - and because the targets that are set are genuinely achievable with a little persistence, the whole process is really empowering.
The training programme has been personal in the sense that it is specifically tailored to my individual needs and also delivers what no self-help book or video can, a real person with empathy who will tell you not to worry, you’re doing really well. And you know she means it." Marina Lane
"Karen's holistic approach is what has made the biggest difference in my life. It's not just the about exercise but about diet, rest and attitude. I love the workout sessions I go to each week. They are varied, fun but always hard work so you leave with that satisfied glow that you've started the day with purpose. I thought I already knew about how to eat healthily, but 'knowing' and 'doing' are two different things, but with Karens help I'm feeling much stronger both mentally and physically and this summer is going to be a complete turn around! Thank you!" Sophy Layzell
“I was really struggling to find a way to reach my goals both in weight and tone. At 55 years old and with a career that means I am never sure where I will be and when, I couldn't use the traditional gym or personal trainer at home options - I never know when I will be there. I realised I needed a PT I could take with me and engage with whenever I could - but I'm not Richard Branson so employing one to come with me? No, I needed a "virtual PT"!
Karen has come up with a perfect solution for people like me, always on the move and no real routine. I now train nearly everyday, nearly everywhere I go (Hotel room, home, outside) and log all my work on “mypthub”, an app available online and on my phone. We face time every week and I even video my work so she can check my form and correct me live. She can write me new routines as often as needed and they all get booked into my week by Karen which I then log as complete as I do them - there is no escape, she is always watching!
Great motivation from afar, great tools to track my progress, and finally a way to reach my goals without work or travel getting in the way - a worldwide PT always in my briefcase!” Mark Longley
"Thanks so much. I couldn't do it without you! I know I probably would have less commitment if it wasn't for the personal training and your encouragement. Every time I think of eating bad food or wander into thinking of having a glass of vino, I say 'no!' 'Think beach, think Karen!' It really helps!!!" Charlotte Howard-Jones
"Karen is what all personal trainers should be: tough, encouraging and motivational. She has inspired me to achieve my goals. I really enjoy our sessions as there was always something new and different to do." Vicky Vincent